Greek English
Αρχ. Μακαρίου Γ΄12Α
2843, Φλάσου
Τηλ: 22933068, Φαξ: 22932364
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Below we will give you a brief report concerning the names of several areas of the village and we try to explain how these areas got their names:

Tessaraskali: The extent of these pieces of land is 4 scales.

Vromoftides: It was a marshy area with many insects.

Tziamades: The Turkish-Cypriots had their cemetery and mosque in this area.

Kounerkatis: This was an area where the water of the river Karkotis diverted to the fields.

Foinitzia: In this area there were many palm trees (foinikia in greek).

Palioklisia (old church): In this area you can find the ruins of the old church of Saint Epiphanios.

Hadjiemin Efentis: A great landowner owned this area it was named after him.

Archistratigos (commander in chief): Some years ago the church of Archangel Michael was built in this area.

Kantzelia (balusters): Many years ago the area had a railway and in order to protect the people, balusters were built along the rails.

Dodekaskala (12 scales): In this area there are 3 pieces of land. The total extent is 12 scales.

Rodkies (pomegranate): This area was well known for the great number of pomegranates it had. Nowadays only a few of them exist in the area.

Koutroulis: It is a hill in the area which it looks like a dome.

Milaris: In this area there was a small windmill.

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